I've been pretty busy. Got meself a new camera and I've been doing my best to make sure she's been broken in properly. Being a starving artist, I didn't have the option of buying the camera I want, but I got an affordable option. The underrated Canon EOS Rebel T2i (550D). Basically a 7D in a cheap case, so that means I've REALLY got to take care of it. Many thanks to Philip Bloom, Stu Maschwitz and Ken Lowrie for helping me with investigating which camera I should get. Logically, it made sense to go with a Canon since CLP just got a 7D. Keep the workflow consistent. Speaking of workflow, trust me folks, dealing with DSLR footage requires constant evolution so be patient.
Anyway, here's the first film I shot with her (I've still got to name her, so I'm open to suggestions).
Thanks to Enrique for letting me be intimate with his truck. I want one when I grow up.
Shot this 4th of July. I wanted to see how she does 60fps.
It only made me lust her even more. (There's more footage from the 4th to come!)
My moms and sis, Jewel, are here from NC and we did the tourist thing yesterday. I brought my boo along with me and shot some more stuff.
If you've been to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter and rode the Forbidden Journey ride, you'll see The Sorting Hat. You will also see how dark it is in that place. It is literally like being in a dark ass castle. With magic. Anyway, here's a shot of The Sorting Hat I got with the new toy.
Thanks for all the cool videos Willie, but how does it shoot stills?
Like this. These pics have VERY basic color correction done on them, by the way. Many thanks to Ken and Stephen for being cam-op on some of these pics.
And finally, here are some, more than basic color corrected, pics of our recent trip to the WWoHP.
That should be enough to keep you full for a lil while. I'll be back soon you crazy kids.
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