I've been terribly busy with doing something I LOVE to do. Create. I apologize for neglecting my blogging duties, which seems very foolish of me because it is yet another avenue for me to create. Just not enough hours in the day, but I try my best to make the most out of the precious waking seconds I'm given.
Okay, what have us crazy kids at CLP been busy with? I know February is almost over, but here's a look at what we did last month:
Jan 2010 from Cloudy Logic on Vimeo.
February started with a photoshoot with Kelli Cayman Cozlin. We really like working with Kelli because she's just so much fun. The sun wasn't cooperating at the beginning of the shoot but it eventually came out and made things a lot brighter. We also got to break in the new bounce boards Brenda made. They worked perfectly! I also got to learn the finer points of using a SLR camera properly. So continues the learning. Check out some of the final pics here.
We worked on a music video for a song called "I'm So Fly". I wish I could find a link to the song or even the group name. I have the individual names of the artists, but not the group name. All my attempts at Googling the solution have failed. Anyway, it was a late night for us and it was cool to work on the HD sound stage at Full Sail again. Many thanks to Martin for letting me play with the $100,000 camera jib. Kind of like playing a video game, just a VERY expensive video game.
We attended a couple film premieres. The first was for Wayward, a thriller by Carmen Treffiletti and the folks at DME Studios. Good flick and it was really nice to run into familiar faces again (Mike Santi and Wanda Gates). I don't know if Carmen is going to submit it to film festivals, but check it out if you get the chance. I bow to him for doing a full-length feature. Especially since he did it in 110+ degree temps with flesh boring critters feasting on their skin/blood. Good luck to Carmen and the cast and crew of Wayward!
Immediately after watching Wayward in Daytona Beach, we hauled butt back down to Orlando to catch the premiere of Grave Reality. Another thriller, but of a different flavor. This film also hosted the talents of Mike Santi and Wanda Gates. It was fun to see them twice in the same night. Especially Mike's parents who are the coolest. Yes Mike, I know I've got to call your mom about doing dinner. I PROMISE, I'll get around to it. Anyway, another cool movie and I really like the comic-book feel to it. It was done by Oliver Tosh and he's got a wonderful eye for editing. Maybe he'll read this blog and let me be a sponge on his mentals for a while to learn some of the editing skills he possesses. I'll bring the beer.
On Valentine's Day, we hooked up with SNAFU, to discuss shooting a little bio/documentary series with them. We went out to their rehearsal location and shot some really good footage. The funny thing is we didn't really plan on it. It was supposed to be just a recon mission, but we walked away with some great footage and cool energy. We're REALLY looking forward to working on this project with them over the next several months.
Immediately after that, we went downtown to hang out with Stuart and his condo on the 16th floor, facing towards the west and the city of Orlando. He was such a WONDERFUL host and I can't stop thanking him for allowing us to invade his property for a few hours so we could capture the sunset. It was an interesting experiment, trying to figure out what to set the aperture to and what filters/glass should we use to get the sun setting WITHOUT adjusting the f-stop until dark. From what we could see, we got some great footage and I can't wait to get my hands on it. Check out the stills we took. Thanks again Stuart for providing us with wonderful hospitality and a beautiful sunset!
Now I'm pretty much caught up. Last night we shot another music video for Cutty Lue's mixtape. It is for the song "Just a Thought". It is always fun shooting with Cutty. He's such a talented artist and it is only a matter of time before he's noticed by the masses. We got to set up the crane again, and we pulled off some spectacular footage. I'll be working on editing this over this coming week and I'll be sure to let you know when it's done. Brenda took some production stills of us in action (thanks Bren!).
WOW. February has been a very busy month thus far. But I'm doing what I love, so you won't hear me complain!
Stay tuned!
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