Saturday, April 24, 2010

Even I Have Heroes

Well, not in the classic sense. Sure, I love the heroes in comic books, again not in the classic sense (The Boys, Preacher and Wormwood, to name a few...thanks Matt!). I'm not talking about those kind of heroes, I'm talking about the kind of heroes you look up to. The ones you want to be when you grow up. Someone I'm adding to my list of people I want to be when I grow up, is Andrew Kramer.

If you've read my blog, then you should know who Mr. Kramer is. He's the brains behind all of the badass tutorials on The stuff he's taught me about After Effects gets my creative juices aflowin, and soon they'll ooze from all the orifices in my big head...including that little spot in the corners of my eye sockets.

I've recently subscribed to Andrew's blog and I was going back through some of his old ones, when I was surprised to see he is the guy behind the opening titles to one of my favorite shows:

He also did the cool "retro" version which aired on April Fools Day:

Find out more about those particular projects from the master himself. I've watched your Basic Training Tutorials a few times and now I'm comin' for ya Andrew!

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