I'm just going to pour through a couple more things for your viewing pleasures. First, I don't think I ever posted the pic of the actual award we won for the Orlando 24 Hour Film Fest. I know, you're probably tired of hearing about it by now, but dammit we won an award! Marinate, participate, salivate, but don't hate. Here's the award (thumb optional):

In my last blog, I talked about my bro-in-law Chris Moore (CMo) taking to photography like Pookie to that rock. He got himself a Nikon D90 and he's very happy with it. Check out what he's been doing with his new toy here and here. Yes, he got a shot of a bee on a flower and he's doing pretty good on the color correction. I think he is ready to leave the Shaolin Temple.
This past week, we've been really busy playing with the Canons. I really can't explain how very cool these cameras are and how much they change the game. I've shot the stuff of my imagination on the 5 and 7D. Spectacular tools for film making! I'll work on getting a demo reel pieced together over the next couple weeks. Just got a crapload of footage to go through and damn near all of it is good!
Here are a few embeds to send you on your way. I've got to get back to drinking beer and watching "Band of Brothers" on Spike (even though I do have the DVD set...the commercial breaks are a good time to get a fresh beer).
This was posted on Andrew Kramer's blog. Very cool what you can do with Action Essentials 2:
This time lapse was shot with a 5D.
Google Chrome is kinda fast:
Phillip Bloom is one of my new heroes. Santa, I want a Pocket Dolly for Christmas: