Monday, May 31, 2010

We're Oscar Mike!

Happy Memorial Day folks! I certainly hope you all are enjoying your day off. Maybe you're BBQing or drinking (in my case, I'm doing both). Regardless, take a moment to reflect on the many who have given the ultimate sacrifice to ensure you enjoy your BBQ and beers. Maybe you can take the time and watch "Band of Brothers", which is one of the best mini-series EVAR! While you're at it, watch "Generation Kill" too. Since we're on the warfighter path, I've got my eye on:

I'm just going to pour through a couple more things for your viewing pleasures. First, I don't think I ever posted the pic of the actual award we won for the Orlando 24 Hour Film Fest. I know, you're probably tired of hearing about it by now, but dammit we won an award! Marinate, participate, salivate, but don't hate. Here's the award (thumb optional):

In my last blog, I talked about my bro-in-law Chris Moore (CMo) taking to photography like Pookie to that rock. He got himself a Nikon D90 and he's very happy with it. Check out what he's been doing with his new toy here and here. Yes, he got a shot of a bee on a flower and he's doing pretty good on the color correction. I think he is ready to leave the Shaolin Temple.

This past week, we've been really busy playing with the Canons. I really can't explain how very cool these cameras are and how much they change the game. I've shot the stuff of my imagination on the 5 and 7D. Spectacular tools for film making! I'll work on getting a demo reel pieced together over the next couple weeks. Just got a crapload of footage to go through and damn near all of it is good!

Here are a few embeds to send you on your way. I've got to get back to drinking beer and watching "Band of Brothers" on Spike (even though I do have the DVD set...the commercial breaks are a good time to get a fresh beer).

This was posted on Andrew Kramer's blog. Very cool what you can do with Action Essentials 2:

This time lapse was shot with a 5D.

Google Chrome is kinda fast:

Phillip Bloom is one of my new heroes. Santa, I want a Pocket Dolly for Christmas:

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