Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I've Got a Really Big Head

I'm not saying that in a cocky (ta-hehe) kind of way. I mean, I physically have a really big head. If you looked at pictures of me as a baby, you would have said, "Damn, he's ALL head." Because I was. I had one of those whippy neck things going on because my head was so damned heavy. When I enlisted in the military I lost a ton of weight and I looked like a burnt matchstick. Seriously. I don't think I grew into my head size until my 30's. At least now I'm kind of proportional, so you don't notice how big the cranium is because everything else is big too. I could so make a joke right there, but it's just too easy.

Why all the talk about my big ass head? Because, I have to continually fill it with more and more information. It is like I've got a ton of empty brain matter there just waiting to be stimulated by something new to learn. I've been doing a lot of learnin lately and I'm going to share some of it with you.

When you make a film, you've got to juggle a lot of balls (again...too easy). In order for it to be good, everything and everyone has to do their role successfully. I've been involved in a many of those roles, but the one I love the most is editing. Taking footage and making it look the way it was supposed to look. My career started with editing and I'm sure I'll do it for many years to come.

Having said all that, I've been spending a lot of time improving my editing skills. If you asked me a couple months ago the value of After Effects, my answer would be zero. Now, After Effects is like a buffet for my mentals. I can't stop learning all the cool things it has to teach. What kind of cool things?

Stuff like this. (If you know nothing of AE, then that is the best place to start)


And this.

Andrew Kramer, I love you. Stay tuned!

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