Saturday, March 13, 2010

Smoke Break

We gotta R-U-N-N-O-F-T.

Film making is a constantly evolving process. Sometimes I go back to our early pieces of work and I reminisce on what was. It helps me stay grounded. I've been spending most of the day working on the Cutty Lue music video we shot a few weeks ago. Stepping into a new project is always a learning experience. I walk in with a certain amount of knowledge I've attained from previous productions, but I'm not the type to do the same thing twice...or at least I try my best not to. So, I learn new tricks with the hopes they can help translate the visuals in my brain, into a medium other humans can hopefully interpret. Trust me, it isn't an easy thing to do, but I'm pretty sure I'm getting better at it with every production.

I took a break from editing to clear my mentals. I could have turned on the very neglected Xbox. Maybe sat outside on the back patio and read a comic or a book. Take a trip to the driving range and hit a couple of buckets. Nope. I was a good student and did homework. I watched O Brother, Where Art Thou? I'm pretty sure all three of the people who read this blog has seen this movie. It's been on heavy rotation lately on the picture box. I really really like this film and I'm not a fan of George Clooney at all. I don't think he's a great actor (unless he has an ensemble cast like Ocean's Eleven). Although, he was really good in Up in the Air and that was my vote for the Oscar for Best Film. The Hurt Locker? Really?

Anyway, I've mentioned before how I tend to analyze movies now, instead of watching them. O Brother is one of the few movies I watch and enjoy. Sure, every now and then, I'll catch myself saying, "Wow, I wonder just how beautiful the colors of those leaves are without the desaturation?" Or, "I know how to shoot fire, but how do you fake that fire-like light off the character's faces?" Then I shoot Ken an e-mail. If you haven't seen O Brother in a while, you might want to consider re-educating yourself...

Stay tuned!


  1. okok i'll give oh brother another shot... :(

  2. I don't know if you're still old enough to really appreciate the movie. Maybe you should wait a few years. Grow a few whiskers first.
